3380 Beaver Rd Union
Ky 41091
Bring the kids for a fun day at the park to participate in Lewis and Clark Junior Badge Day. See the summary below regarding details of the scope of the event:
We have grown to have a great respect for the Junior Ranger Programs offered by the National Park Service and other public lands. The Junior Ranger Programs engage children in a way that makes learning about each site they visit exciting. Because each Junior Ranger Program has it’s own unique badge or patch it’s fun to try to earn them all. Our children have each completed over 150 Junior Ranger Programs and they continue to complete more each year. The Junior Ranger Programs have helped to shape my children and instill in them a sense of stewardship for the Parks that will stay with them their whole lives. They will forever cherish the memories of our road trips and this legacy will be carried on by each of them to their families. We created the Ranger Trek™ Expedition Journals as a way to preserve those memories, while at the same time encouraging our children to continue their journey of visiting all of the National Parks. The journals are a beautiful keepsake that they will always treasure. They also encourage families to make visiting our National Parks an important part of their lives. Our national treasures are sites that need to be experienced in person to truly understand the wonder, history, and experiences they represent. We hope you set a goal with your family to visit as many as possible in their lifetimes.