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January 25, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Boone County Public Library - Main Library
1786 Burlington Pike
Burlington, KY 41005
1786 Burlington Pike
Burlington, KY 41005
Friends of Big Bone January 25, 2018 Agenda
6:00 PM- Main Library Conference Room
Item Updates
- Collection of dues ($10.00 per person)
- Voting on 2018 FOBB board. The current board includes the following: Margie Bellhorn, Pat Fox, Jeannine Kreinbrink, Dr. Glenn Storrs, and Woody Schuster
- Sonny Hall has submitted his name to run as a board member to take Dr. R. A. Davis’s vacated seat. Members who are interested in running are encouraged to submit their names via email to Pat Fox, before the meeting in order to be included on the ballot.
- Election results and treasurer’s report
- Overview and discussion regarding the FOBB 2017 programs and community events (see reverse side)
- Other
Items for Discussion and/or Action
- Review and discussion of the dates and programs listed below. All meetings will be held at Scheben
- February 22- meeting and program- Esther Drewry- DAR- Women of the American Revolution
- March- Board meeting
- April 26- meeting and program- Paul Simpson- BBLSHS’s bison herd (this could be held at the park for a better overview of the herd)
- May- return to Behringer-Crawford Museum for a luncheon and program or not
- June 28- meeting and program- still being worked on
- July- board meeting
- August 23- meeting and program- Lewis and Clark Program- the Ohio River Chapter of Lewis and Clark will be visiting the area and holding their quarterly meeting and events from Thursday-Sunday. They will be our guests at this program.
- September- no meeting- Great Outdoor Weekend- Saturday, September 22nd (?)
- October 25- meeting and program- still be worked on
- November- board meeting
- December- FOBB Christmas Dinner
- Future events and sign-up sheet
- Purchasing insurance to cover FOBB’s board and officers and membership
- BBLSHS Projects: Big Bone Methodist Church, enlarging the bison viewing area, replacing nature center with a building that could house classrooms, theater, storage, and area to clean artifacts
- Other